We take pride in delivering a quality service, and in adding value to the local community and the wider environment. As such we are committed to proactively managing our environmental and sustainable development impacts. We abide by all relevant legislation and codes of practice, and are committed to pollution prevention and the continual improvement of our environmental impacts.
Our key areas of improvement focus on site energy efficiency, our use of raw materials & packaging and waste management. Specifically, we plan to:
- Monitor & manage our utilities through the use of energy and water efficient fixtures, fittings and equipment
- When upgrading, specify high energy and water efficient equipment
- Ensure all employees understand the importance of good environmental stewardship, and deliver regular training to support this
- Record electricity, water and gas consumption to identify wastage and gauge the effectiveness of improvements made
- Minimise waste to landfill through implementing the waste hierarchy in all we do, providing segregated facilities for cardboard, plastics& stainless steel
- Source a higher percentage of recycled content packaging
- Monitor our effluent discharge, ensuring we stay with permitted parameters
- Wherever possible support local trades and suppliers, reducing mileage and increasing our contribution to the local economy
- Employ locally and invest in our workforce
We will regularly review our progress and take remedial action in the event of us falling short of our aims & objectives. This document is a living policy, reviewed annually, and we welcome the input and comments of customers, suppliers and employees.
Lisa Evans